Hittade några roliga citat idag, enjoy!

Teacher: Billy why are you crying and why did you bring your cat to school? Billy: Because I heard my dad tell my mom "When Billy leaves to school I'm gonna beat that pussy up!"

You’ll never find the right person if you don’t let go of the wrong one.

Im a girl but I rather hang out with boys because it is less drama!!!!

I don't care if it's rude to stare, you are hot, so I will stare.

Fake hair, fake nails, fake tan, fake boobs... Girl, are you sure you weren't made in China?

A penis has a sad life. His hair is a mess, his family is nuts, his neighbour is an asshole, his bestfriend is a pussy and his owner beats him!

I may look calm, but in my head, I've killed you three times.

"EVERYONE SHUT THE F*CK UP!" *answers phone* "Hi Mommy"

A boy gives a girl 10 roses, 9 real and 1 fake. And he says to the girl that he'll love her, until the last one dies.

You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.

A man asked a genie to make him a billion times smarter than anyman on earth, so the genie turned him into a woman.

Ha det bra, puss och kram! :*


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